Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Man in the Moon

The Man in the Moon

Actors: Reese Witherspoon , Jason London , Tess Harper , Ernie Lively , Gail Strickland , Dennis Letts , Sam Waterston , Bentley Mitchum , Anna Chappell , Spencer Ball , Sandi Smith , Emily Warfield , Derek Ball , Brandi Smith , Earleen Bergeron
Director: Robert Mulligan
IMDB Rate: 7.3 out of 10 (5633 votes)
Plot Summary:Rural Louisiana, summer of 1957, Elvis is King. At 14, Dani is coming of age. Her older sister is beautiful, smart, and off to Duke in the fall her moms pregnant with number four (dad wants a son), and dads pretty strict. Life gets sweeter when 17-year old Court Foster, his widowed mom, and little brothers move into the vacant farm next door. Court likes Danis high spirits and direct way, and though he has a mans responsibilities on the farm, they go off swimming sometimes. The waters of adolescence are deeper than Dani realizes as hers and Courts feelings get jumbled. Then Mother Nature throws wrenching surprises at Dani, and she must come to terms with new emotions.

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